Saturday, 24 November 2018

2019 Chinese New Year Start Work Date

2019 Chinese New Year Start Work Date

A lot of people have been asking for 2019 start work date after the Chinese New Year long break. They want the date so that they can plan for their holidays. Chinese New Year falls on 5th and 6th Feb 2019 (Tue and Wed)

The date and time to start work after Chinese New Year (CNY) break are:

Option 1: 9th Feb, Sat 5pm - 7pm. The best of the best timing will be 6:40-6:50pm.

This is a Saturday and if you have remote access, you can login to send a simple business email to kick-start the good luck.

This date is specifically good for people who are born in the year of Ji (ends with 9. e.g . 1969, 1979, etc) . Using this date and time for activation will bring in relationship and smooth career. Note: most people can use this date and time, just that this date/time is better for those born in the year of Ji.

Option 2: 8th Feb 2019, Fri between 9 – 11am. The best timing will be 10:20am

This date is specifically good for people who are born in the year of Gui (ends with 3. e.g. 1963, 1973, etc) . Using this date and time for activation will bring in good wealth and relationship. Note: most people can use this date and time, just that this date/time is better for those born in the year of Gui.

Option 3: 12th Feb 2019, Fri between 7 – 9pm. The best timing will be 8:50 pm.

The timing is in the evening. If you have remote access, you can login to send a simple business email to kick-start the good luck.

 This date is specifically good for people who are born in the year of Bing or end with 6. e.g 1956, 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996 etc. Using this date and time for activation will have good health.

In here, I would like to wish you all Gong Xi Fa Cai!
