Qi Men Dun Jia Case Study - Bazi indicator for Breast Cancer
Recently I read a news about Angelina Jolie decided to perform double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer. It has shock the world as she had her breasts removed not because she has cancer but as precaution measure to prevent from getting cancer. The actress has a defective gene, BRCA1, which significantly increases her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer, she writes in the New York Times. The latter disease killed her mother at the age of 56.
According to The Guardian, women with a defect in BRCA1 have on average a 65% risk of developing breast cancer. Jolie says her doctors told her that her risk was 87% and that surgery had reduced it to 5%. The defect also increases the risk of ovarian cancer, which Jolie says doctors estimate is 50% for her.
This really stir up the discussion in the Asia world. Most of the doctors in Singapore actually don't recommend mastectomy until it is necessary.
I remember my Master once told me a couple of years ago that Breast Cancer can be seen as indicator in the Bazi. So, I am sharing this information to the general public so that they are well-informed and to take whatever measure needed. Just note that having such indicator in the Bazi does not mean that you will have Breast Cancer. It only put you in higher risk group. In addition, there is also other factors that require further analysis. For example, the Fengshui of your house - whether it support the sickness or support the curing of sickness. Timing is another factor that needs to be taken into consideration. This is when the sickness can be detected. Like what's being reported, having a defect BRCA1 does not mean you will develop Breast Cancer; it only increase the chances. See my other article on Heaven Earth Man.
Breast Cancer indicator in Qi Men Dun Jia Bazi
In Qi Men Dun Jia, the Zhen 3 Palace and Dui 7 Palace represent left and right breast. If there is Geng or Xin in either or both palaces, then it indicates that there is potential growth in those area. The worst case is that there is Tian Rui star in either both palaces.
Here are 3 examples:
1. Sheryl Crow: diagnosed in 2006 at 44
Ren Yin Year Ren Yin Month Geng Chen Day Xin Si Hour
九地 (Jiǔ Dì)
天冲 (Tiān Chōng) 生门 (Shēng Mén) Xun 4 Ren(壬) Gui(癸) |
九天 (Jiǔ Tiān)
天辅 (Tiān Fǔ) 伤门 (Shāng Mén) Li 9 Gui(癸) Ji(己) |
值符 (Zhí Fú) O
天英 (Tiān Yīng) 杜门 (Dù Mén) Kun 2 Ji(己) Xin(辛)/Ding(丁) |
玄武 (Xuán Wǔ)
天任 (Tiān Rèn) 休门 (Xiū Mén) Zhen 3 Wu(戊) Ren(壬) |
Yang (阳)#8
Hour: XinSi(辛巳) ©Calvin Yap |
螣蛇 (Téng Shé) O
禽芮 (Qín Ruì) 景门 (Jǐng Mén) Dui 7 Xin(辛)/Ding(丁) Yi(乙) |
白虎 (Bái Hǔ)
天蓬 (Tiān Péng) 开门 (Kāi Mén) Gen 8 Geng(庚) Wu(戊) |
六合 (Liù Hé)
天心 (Tiān Xīn) 惊门 (Jīng Mén) Kan 1 Bing(丙) Geng(庚) |
太阴 (Tài Yīn) 马
天柱 (Tiān Zhù) 死门 (Sǐ Mén) Qian 6 Yi(乙) Bing(丙) |
Notice that Xin is at Dui 7 Palace with Tian Rui.(Highlight in Green)
2. Kylie Minogue: diagnosed in 2005 at 36
Wu Shen Year Ding Si Month Wu Xu Day Wu Wu Hour
九地 (Jiǔ Dì)
天柱 (Tiān Zhù) 惊门 (Jīng Mén) Xun 4 Geng(庚) Yi(乙) |
九天 (Jiǔ Tiān)
天心 (Tiān Xīn) 开门 (Kāi Mén) Li 9 Ji(己) Ren(壬) |
值符 (Zhí Fú) 马
天蓬 (Tiān Péng) 休门 (Xiū Mén) Kun 2 Gui(癸) Ding(丁)/Wu(戊) |
玄武 (Xuán Wǔ)
禽芮 (Qín Ruì) 死门 (Sǐ Mén) Zhen 3 Ding(丁)/Wu(戊) Bing(丙) |
Yang (阳)#5
Hour: WuWu(戊午) ©Calvin Yap |
螣蛇 (Téng Shé)
天任 (Tiān Rèn) 生门 (Shēng Mén) Dui 7 Xin(辛) Geng(庚) |
白虎 (Bái Hǔ) O
天英 (Tiān Yīng) 景门 (Jǐng Mén) Gen 8 Ren(壬) Xin(辛) |
六合 (Liù Hé) O
天辅 (Tiān Fǔ) 杜门 (Dù Mén) Kan 1 Yi(乙) Gui(癸) |
太阴 (Tài Yīn)
天冲 (Tiān Chōng) 伤门 (Shāng Mén) Qian 6 Bing(丙) Ji(己) |
Notice that there is Geng and Xin at Dui 7 Palace and Tian Rui at Zhen 3 Palace.
3. Christina Applegate: diagnosed in 2008 at 36
Xin Hai Year Ji Hai Month Jia Yin Day Gui You Hour
九天 (Jiǔ Tiān)
天冲 (Tiān Chōng) 杜门 (Dù Mén) Xun 4 Gui(癸) Ren(壬) |
九地 (Jiǔ Dì)
天辅 (Tiān Fǔ) 景门 (Jǐng Mén) Li 9 Ren(壬) Yi(乙) |
玄武 (Xuán Wǔ)
天英 (Tiān Yīng) 死门 (Sǐ Mén) Kun 2 Yi(乙) Ding(丁)/Xin(辛) |
值符 (Zhí Fú)
天任 (Tiān Rèn) 伤门 (Shāng Mén) Zhen 3 Wu(戊) Gui(癸) |
Yin (阴)#8
Hour: GuiYou(癸酉) ©Calvin Yap |
白虎 (Bái Hǔ)
禽芮 (Qín Ruì) 惊门 (Jīng Mén) Dui 7 Ding(丁)/Xin(辛) Ji(己) |
螣蛇 (Téng Shé)
天蓬 (Tiān Péng) 生门 (Shēng Mén) Gen 8 Bing(丙) Wu(戊) |
太阴 (Tài Yīn)
天心 (Tiān Xīn) 休门 (Xiū Mén) Kan 1 Geng(庚) Bing(丙) |
六合 (Liù Hé) O 马
天柱 (Tiān Zhù) 开门 (Kāi Mén) Qian 6 Ji(己) Geng(庚) |
Notice that there Xin and Tian Rui at Dui 7 Palace.
So, does Angelina Jolie has such indicator? See it for yourself:
Yi Hai Year Xin Si Month Xin Si Day Gui Si Hour
六合 (Liù Hé)
天任 (Tiān Rèn) 杜门 (Dù Mén) Xun 4 Xin(辛) Yi(乙) |
白虎 (Bái Hǔ) O
天冲 (Tiān Chōng) 景门 (Jǐng Mén) Li 9 Bing(丙) Ren(壬) |
玄武 (Xuán Wǔ) O
天辅 (Tiān Fǔ) 死门 (Sǐ Mén) Kun 2 Yi(乙) Ding(丁)/Wu(戊) |
太阴 (Tài Yīn)
天蓬 (Tiān Péng) 伤门 (Shāng Mén) Zhen 3 Gui(癸) Bing(丙) |
Yang (阳)#5
Hour: GuiSi(癸巳) ©Calvin Yap |
九地 (Jiǔ Dì)
天英 (Tiān Yīng) 惊门 (Jīng Mén) Dui 7 Ren(壬) Geng(庚) |
螣蛇 (Téng Shé)
天心 (Tiān Xīn) 生门 (Shēng Mén) Gen 8 Ji(己) Xin(辛) |
值符 (Zhí Fú)
天柱 (Tiān Zhù) 休门 (Xiū Mén) Kan 1 Geng(庚) Gui(癸) |
九天 (Jiǔ Tiān) 马
禽芮 (Qín Ruì) 开门 (Kāi Mén) Qian 6 Ding(丁)/Wu(戊) Ji(己) |
Calvin Yap
May 2013
Further in-depth analysis will be shared to student in the Qi Men Dun Jia Bazi class.